Our kennels are located at 8 Kiernan Road Macclesfield Vic, 3178


Check in times for ALL bookings are strictly:
Monday – Friday 8am – 10am
Saturday – Sunday 8.30am -10am


Please note: We do not take any bedding, bowls, blankets, toys or any other non-essential items from home. All of these things are supplied by us for your dog to enjoy during their stay.


The Handover

It is important you arrive for your 3 hour handover lesson on time. Please aim to arrive 15mins prior to your appointment to ensure we can start promptly on time. If you arrive late your lesson will be cancelled and the following options will be offered.

Option 1

You may collect your dog without their handover lesson and return with your dog at a later date to complete the lesson.

Please note: This is a critical part of the course and until you complete the lesson your dog will return home displaying all their old behaviours all monies owning for the course MUST be paid prior to the dog/s departure from Alpha Boarding Kennels

Option 2

Subject to kennel space availability you can choose to leave your dog here at the cost of standard boarding rates and they will continue to receive training sessions until the next available handover lesson is available.

Please note: Lessons with our professional trainers book out weeks in advance, and although we will try our best to accommodate there may be extensive wait times and your preferred time/day may not be available

Who can attend the Handover Lesson?

Your handover lesson is the most critical part of the boarding school process. If you don’t understand how to use the training method “Speak the language” your dog has been learning, they will simply slip back to their old behaviours once they return back home.

It is strongly advised that all adults who live with the dog attend this lesson, so everyone has a good understanding what to do when the dog returns home.

However, only a maximum of two adults will get to do the obedience exercise handling so as not to over work the dog. All persons attending will be able to participate in the manners and behaviour shaping module of the lesson.

We require your full attention throughout. Being Jet-lagged, distracted by children or taking phone calls during your lesson will mean you’ll miss important information.

Children must be at least 10 years old, and interested in training the dog/s. If you feel they might not be interested, it is advised they don’t attend as it is a long lesson to sit through and it isn’t suitable for them to wander around the site unattended. We kindly ask you do not allow your children to approach the other dogs on site at all during your handover lesson as many dogs here are for rehabilitation and may not be safe to interact with.

What to bring..

Appropriate closed toe shoes, and weather suitable clothing is advised as we train both indoors and outdoors. A drink bottle is also recommend.

The Homework Period 

For best results it is advised you keep your dog/s at home for a minimum of two weeks post boarding school whilst you work through the homework sheet – this means no casual walks around the block or trips to the local park or cafe during this time.

In this time you and your dog will be busy creating new boundaries in your home & around your relationship, working through all your formal obedience exercises and doing one hour drop step away’s (drop stays) instead.

Although from time to time unexpected things can happen, it is strongly advised you do not plan to take a holiday, start a new job, welcome a new baby into the family, move house, book surgery for yourself or your dog or plan any other major life changing events whilst you are in your homework period.

If your booking does coincide with any of these events please give our office a call and discuss.

Payment Terms / Cancellations

A non refundable deposit of $200 is due at the time of booking.
See below for further details pertaining to deposits, refunds and cancellation periods.

50% of the total invoice is due on the day of arrival, and the balance is due upon collection of your dog.

Please note: Surcharges are automatically applied to all Card Payments.

Master Card and Visa payments 0.7455%.  Debit/Savings Card flat rate $0.1364.

There is no surcharge if paying via Bpay or Cash.

Thank you for you understanding.

Off Peak – $2,200

$200 transferable non refundable deposit – due at the time of booking

$900 – due at check in

$1,100 – due on departure

Peak Period – $2,200

$200 non refundable deposit- due at the time of booking

$900 – due at check in

$1,100 – due on departure day

If you require your dog/s to stay longer than 20 days during a boarding school course any additional days will be charged at the boarding only rate. Your dog will continue to receive daily training sessions until their departure day.

If your dog is assessed as being unsuitable to train or it poses a risk to itself, the trainers or any staff at Alpha Boarding Kennels, their course can and will be aborted and the owner/s will be liable for the cost of the training to date. If you are unable to collect your dog and it is safe for the dog to remain boarding then standard boarding only fees will apply for the remainder of their stay.

Payment details

If you wish to pay via Bpay, please email or print a copy of your confirmation to present to our staff. Payment details can be located on the bottom of your invoice. Alternatively you can pay by cash or card at reception. Please note: If paying by cash ensure you bring the correct amount due as no change can be given. Sorry we DO NOT accept AMEX. Surcharges are automatically applied to all Card Payments. Master Card and Visa payments 0.7455%.  Debit/Savings Card flat rate $0.1364. There is no surcharge if paying via Bpay or Cash.

Peak Period Bookings

Christmas – 14th Dec 2024 to 31st Jan 2025 (inclusive)

A non-refundable deposit of $200 is due at the time of booking. Deposits are transferable up until the close of business on the 13th November 2024. All deposits are non-refundable or transferable after this date.

Please note: This includes booking cancellations due to government enforced travel restrictions and border closures affecting your ability to travel

Easter – 5th April  to 22nd April 2025 (inclusive)

A non-refundable deposit of $200 is due at the time of booking. Deposits are transferable up until the close of business on the5th March 2025. Deposits paid for bookings made within 30 days of the peak period are non-refundable or transferable.

Please note: This includes booking cancellations due to government enforced travel restrictions and border closures affecting your ability to travel

Other Peak Periods – All Victorian School Holidays &  Long Weekends

A non-refundable deposit of $200 is due at the time of booking. Deposits are transferable up until the close of business 31 days prior to the start of the peak period. Deposits paid for bookings made within 30 days of the peak period are non-refundable or transferable.

Please note: This includes booking cancellations due to government enforced travel restrictions and border closures affecting your ability to travel


All dogs staying with us at Alpha Boarding Kennels must have a current C5 level of vaccination.

We require proof of vaccination prior to commencement of booking. Failure to provide this may result in your booking being cancelled and forfeiture of any monies paid. Please note we CANNOT accept your dog into our facility without proof of vaccination as it is a council requirement. This is NOT negotiable and you will be turned away if you arrive and have not provided prior proof through our online enrolment form.

Behavioural Questionnaires for all boarding school course dogs MUST be submitted within 3 days of your booking being made. This is an important part of the booking process and ensures our trainers have adequate time to prepare for your dogs arrival.  All other online enrolment forms to be submitted no later than 7 days  prior to the commencement of your booking. Failure to do this will result in your booking being cancelled and all deposits fortified.

Alpha Boarding Kennels or any of its representatives reserves the right to refuse admission of any animal.

Dogs requiring medication will be charged a $5 per day medication surcharge fee for the days the dog needs medication administered.

According to the Domestic Animal Act 1994, the following applies:

“If all charges are not paid, the Proprietor has the right to offer the pet for sale. If such sale does not secure a price adequate to cover the cost of the debt, the Client is liable to the Proprietor for the difference. The Proprietor may take this course of action if not advised of a pick-up date within two weeks of the advised dates”.